Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Poor Audrey

I noticed she wasn't feeling well this morning. She had a nasty juicy cough, runny nose, and fever. She also just wasn't acting like herself and was very whiney. I took her to the doctor this afternoon and found out she has RSV. Great! Apparently its in the beginning stages and will get worse before it gets better. She has a f0llow up appointment on Saturday morning and then she goes on Monday to get her VCUG done to check for urinary reflux. Poor girl! It was kind of funny seeing her get her nose and throat swabbed today. She made the funniest faces. I guess it'll be a long week.

1 comment:

Lori Ghiata Bowser said...

i am praying for her, Shannon. I am so sorry that she is so sick. Poor baby. Kiss her and tell her Grandma loves her lots 'n lots.