Sunday, December 21, 2008

Cloth Diapers

We just ordered some cloth diapers! I never would have thought that I would use them but am quickly realizing their benefits. Once we found out that we were having twins all sorts of logistics flew through our minds. We are going to have three babies in our house which means that we will have three babies in diapers. I spend roughly $80 a month on diapers right now and that's only for one child. So, $80 x 3 is $240!!!! A month!!!! On stuff for our kids to pee and poop on and throw away! Not to mention formula costs, doctor bills, clothing, etc. on top of that ( about $135 for formula per month for one child). Now Audrey will be over one year of age by the time they arrive and not using formula anymore, but her food costs will still be there. So, $135 x 2 is $270. Just for formula and diapers that would come out to $510 + Audrey's food costs. I can't spend that much money on just diapers and formula per month. That's insane!

So, I ordered some cloth diapers for us to try out with Audrey. Hopefully it goes well. It seems like a lot of people order around 20 diapers per child and then wash them every day and a half to two days. We may order less per child since I'm sure I'll be washing every day with three kids, but we'll see. If we do end up ordering 60 diapers, it will cost us $1062 but we will make up for that after only 4 1/2 months of use! The diapers work for kids from 7-35 pounds. I'm so excited to try them out.

Oh and if you think I'm absolutely crazy....cloth diapers are NOT what they used to be. After much research, here is the kind that we are ordering.

I'm sure that we will use these for more than a year as well....but after only using them for one year after we make up our cost difference, we will have saved $2880!!

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