Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My little girl is growing up

Since there is another baby on the way, Granseur and I had a discussion with Audrey. She's going to have to learn how to be a little more independent. It seems to have worked. She will grab and hold her own bottle now to feed herself (even though I still have to hold her.) She's been doing that since Sunday. It was hard to teach her though. She would see the bottle and just start opening her mouth for us to put it in and leave her hands way back. When we wouldn't give it to her right away to try to make her grab for it, she'd just cry. She just didn't make the connection. Finally we placed it in one of her hands and its like a light bulb went off. It was so exciting. :)

On top of that, I can have conversations with Audrey now. They don't make much sense and her end is usually just "mamamama" or "dadadada" or "gggggggg" but I'll talk to her and she talks back.

She loves it when Granseur flips her upside down. When he brings her back up she just wants to do it again and will arch back again and giggle. She's strong!

She's so close to crawling too. She can get about three scoots in before she falls down but she's doing so good. She can also hold on to the side of her pack n play, crib, or coffee table and hold herself up. I can't believe how far she's come from the day she was born. I can't wait to see what she does next. I love her so much!

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