Thursday, September 18, 2008

My body works?!!!

Okay for those of you who don't like reading REALLY personal information about're going to want to stop reading right now. Seriously.

Okay, here goes..... I got my period on my own today!!! I didn't have to take a pill to get it started or glucophage or anything! (well...synthroid, but that's no biggie.) I told Granseur about it and wanted to make sure we're still on the same wavelength as far as having more kids goes. And yep.... we'll take them whenever we can get them. It'd be great if we didn't have to have help to get pregnant and its way more cost effective! :) We'll see. Oh, and if you're wondering why I'm sharing such personal information....after trying to get pregnant for 18 months (with medical help the whole time) with Audrey, I really wish I would have journaled my path in having her here with us... all the heartache, doctor appointments, etc. because in the end this GREAT thing came out of it and it would be so wonderful to have and look back on now and it would have been a neat thing for Audrey to see when she was older on just how much we wanted her. I was so embarrassed and depressed about the whole thing before...I didn't feel womanly at all since my body didn't do what's its designed to do, and I felt like a horrible wife since I wasn't able to give Granseur children and start our family. It was MY fault we didn't have a family. (He was always super supportive and didn't share my thoughts at all, but its how I felt.) So, I'm just starting now for the next child hopefully.

On another note....I can't stop thinking about FOOD! I have a procedure scheduled for tomorrow and I'm not really allowed to eat anything besides chicken broth, jello, and Gatorade. There were these great home made blueberry muffins at my bible study group this morning and I couldn't have any. :( Then all the ladies were going to stay a little later and order pizza for lunch! I was so jealous. I plan on having a huge meal tomorrow for lunch when I finally get to eat real food again!

Audrey had to get her 6 month shots a couple of days ago. I hate watching her get them, I always feel so bad for her. The food guide pyramid for kids on the wall helped her calm down again though. She loves all the colors and pictures. When she had her seizure, throwing up, urinary tract infection, fever episode....that picture made her feel better then, too.....well....that and her daddy. :)

I just have to brag on Granseur for a minute. He is so good with Audrey. When we found out Audrey had a hole in her heart and had to take her to the cardiologist, Granseur was the only one who was able to keep her calm during the whole examination. I was a major wreck ( only had 45 minutes of sleep in 48 hours and crying on top of that) and of no help at all. He could also sing her to sleep sometimes. Last night I went out to run errands and workout and when I got home he was dancing with her in the kitchen to some oldies music. She loved it! She's been teething lately and really uncomfortable but that made her forget all about it for a little while. Yes, he's wonderful....and he's mine. :)

Yes, I know this is all random but its what came to mind while I was typing. I haven't written an entry in a while because our computer crashed..... obviously its up and running now. Yay.

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